Nowadays speed of website is very important factor that affects conversion and overall user experience. Since significant amount of data loaded for every page belongs to static assets (such as images, CSS and JavaScript files) category optimization of delivery here can contribute a lot to overall website load speed.
Technique described in this post is generally applicable for two major use cases:
Subdomain for static assets: all your images, CSS and JavaScript will be loaded from “”.
Entire static website: all website files for “” are static and loaded from main domain.
This is not rare situation. The number of static site generators allow to publish blogs and other pages easily. Besides that modern dynamic systems created with underlying API layer can be easily deployed as static websites because of clear separation of web content from dynamic features.
Cloud storage for website
The idea here is to upload all static files to the cloud storage provider and allow it to serve them for you.
This service is offered for free by various cloud providers. You need to pay associated data storage and transfer costs but for majority of systems it’ll be minimal.
- Google Cloud Platform: Hosting a Static Website
- Amazon Web Services: Hosting a Static Website on Amazon Web Services
- Github offers Github Pages which is good if you want to use their Git repository
The rest of this post focuses on Google Cloud Platform solution.
How to start
Before you begin please:
- Create Google Cloud account with billing enabled
- Create a project
- Make sure you own or manage domain’s DNS settings
Now you can follow instructions from Google, as result you’ll be able to:
- Associate a Cloud Storage bucket with a domain name.
- Upload your site’s files.
When all above steps are completed you can test the website, or test our own website at
In general, everything works smooth except a couple of small issues we are going to highlight below.
ACL permissions
By default public access for your Google Storage bucket is disabled. So you need change ACL settings before anyone can access you website. One way of doing that is to update setting for each file recursively:
gsutil acl -r ch -u AllUsers:R gs://
This method is slow if you have many files. The faster way is to change default ACL settings, which is fine because we mapped entire bucket to the domain.
gsutil defacl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://
URL rewrites
Let say you have “category.html” file and you want it to be available on your website from “” URL. For traditional hosting with Apache, Nginx or any other web server you can easily define processing rules or “rewrites” to achieve that.
This is not supported by Google Storage but we can get the same thing if the file is renamed to “category” before uploading to the bucket. The only issue now is that this file will be offered for download instead of rendering as a page. It happens because “Content-Type” header is defined automatically by the file extension, so we just need explicitly define it for “category” file:
gsutil setmeta -h "Content-Type:text/html" gs://
Quick updates deployment
Not as issue, just a good way to upload updates for your website using “rsync” command:
gsutil -m rsync -d -R /my/local/folder gs://
Modern cloud storage solutions are definitely great tools for static assets and entire websites storage and delivery. This is valuable design pattern and another step into cloud-enabled future.